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Since The Growth of a Game launched in November 2014, we’ve had several people ask how they can get involved to help increase the awareness of American Football in Europe. The great thing is that everyone can get involved in their own way. Whether it’s in person, via social media, or otherwise, spreading the word about The Growth of a Game will lead to further advancement of this great sport of ours.
Our goal is to increase public interest in American football in Europe, which we’re doing by releasing great content on this site as well as by publishing a book that will be available in late 2019. If you need some ideas on how to contribute, we’ve got some suggestions for you.
Here are some ways to get directly involved:
1. SIGN UP FOR THE E-MAIL LIST: This is the best way to get involved. It’ll allow you to keep up-to-date on new developments, articles, and more. Any big announcements will be made via e-mail, so be sure to sign up for the e-mail list on this page.
2. COMMENT ON OUR ARTICLES: We’re developing a broad community of American football advocates who can offer unique perspectives, exchange ideas, and learn from one another. The best way to interact with other supporters is by commenting on our articles. We’re looking to develop a lively conversation and allow people to find some common ground with the sport they love.
3. RETWEET/SHARE/LIKE ARTICLES: This is perhaps one of the easier ways to participate but also one of the most efficient ways to spread the word. A simple retweet or share has the opportunity to become viral, meaning that others will like what you’ve shared and follow your lead. You can have a big impact on our growth in this way.
4. OFFER SUGGESTIONS: Do you have an idea you want to share? Do you have a suggestion for an article? Is there a recent article or news story you’ve seen that you think will be relevant to share to our community? We’re always happy to hear from you. Please contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or please head to our Contact page to fill out our contact form. We evolve based on the content you’re most-interested in seeing. The more you contribute in this way, the better this community becomes.
5. SPREAD THE WORD TO FRIENDS/TEAMMATES/COACHES: Let your friends, coaches, teammates, etc. know about our site. There are so many football fans out there who can help make this community even more interactive.
6. FILL OUT OUR SURVEY: As part of the research and development of the book, we’re conducting surveys with all those who have been involved with football in Europe. Whether you’re a player, coach, manager, referee, etc. we’d love to hear your thoughts. Here are the following links to our surveys: (European players, coaches, etc.) (American players, coaches, etc.)
Do you have any other ideas on how to get involved? Have you done something to contribute to the growth of football in Europe? Please let us know in the comments below.